Garden Transformation

Maybe you have noticed the trail of mud running through the shop the last week? Well if you follow it through the shop, up the stairs, and out the back doors you will see what all the mess is about. Our garden has gotten some long over due attention from many hands over the past few days. The lovely people of Lola have been pulling weeds, digging up dirt, laying stones, and building flower beds that might resemble old pirate ships.
It is not quite finished yet but we are getting there! We can't wait to welcome you into our garden again. See you in the sunshine soon!


Also in Lola Stories

Live the Adventure
"Why do I cycle? I cycle to understand myself and the world around me. Not crumbling under terrible weather conditions, unexpected route changes or disagreements, builds your character and expands your tolerance, determination, and compassion."

Jessy Carveth's - Path to Cycling
"My path in cycling has been anything but predictable." Our newest member of the Lola Team is Jessy Carveth. After spending five months in Spain for training this winter, she has recently moved up to the Netherlands to race with her current team, Restore Cycling. She tells us more about how she her obsessions for cycling was born.

Albania: Adventure in Europe’s Backyard
A large, unlit firework appeared with “don’t hold when lit” written clearly along the left hand side of the rocket’s encasing.
Lola Bikes